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  • Writer's pictureKatarina Laurensia

Fashion Journey: Is Passion Enough?

Images: Flaunt

A lot of people, especially during my high school years before becoming a university student, often asked me, "Why do you want to go to a fashion school?" or, "Is there any prospect there?" Back then I always answered with "Yeah, it's my passion, I can make money by establishing my own boutique later on." To be honest, I didn't really think much about it, as long as I love it, I thought I can manage to go through it eventually.

Then I graduated from high school, began my university years as a fashion student, and boy-- it was pretty hard, especially at first. The amount of tasks, projects and assignments are overwhelming. True, I love fashion. It's been my biggest dream and passion ever since I was a teenage girl. But I never imagined before how hard it is to be in fashion industry. Little did I know, even the things you love can give you so much pressure and felt very intense for me to get the job done. Moreover, the learning methods are totally different to what I have learned during high school, it's a lot more of a practical rather than theoretical, which, at first, kind of confusing for people like me who don't have basic knowledge about fashion. I would say there are some times that the things I love turned into something that I would like to run away from, but I guess when you're very determined and consistent because it's your passion, you will get used to it and love it back stronger than before.

After a lot of mental breakdowns within school assignments and paranoia (LOL), I began to see the positive sides of me being in this industry. I became more adaptable with change, being more creative and intuitive to all my surroundings, and I realized that.. I love it. I know it's somewhat cliché, but I love how fashion has changed my perspectives about a lot of situation, even about life itself, about how I handle all my worries and weariness, about the people. I used to feel like I'm not confident wearing experimental clothes, but after swimming around in this industry, it's totally fine to show who you are, through your clothes. A guy wearing a tank top in chunky boots roaming around campus, or even a student wearing black lipstick with Batik outer... All is fine, all is normal, perfect. See, even a little thing like this teaches me more about life and one's identity. It makes me become more in love and passionate about fashion. Of course, you still need to dress accordingly, but once in a while, in appropriate occasions, it's perfectly normal to show who you are through your clothes and be passionate about the things you love.

In addition, working hard in this industry usually gives me a lot of opportunities to grow as an individual and as a fashion designer. I got to participated in a lot of events, particularly fashion events, seminars and workshops to hone my skills even more. Skills are not limited to technical skills only, but also soft skills. How to communicate with people effectively and building my social connections in this industry.

Internships and freelancing are also great ways to build the portfolio and hone the soft skills, but to be honest it's the place that makes you think more about the future, especially the things you gotta do after graduate. "What kind of jobs do I want? Am I capable? What if I never get the job or I can't do the job?" and all other depressing thoughts that I could possibly thinking keep rushing inside my head. But hey-- it's a part of life too. Rather than thinking much about it, how about enjoy the "now" moments and think about it later on. Because I'm a firm believer, if you really put your heart into it, eventually it will find its way, be it hard or easy, no one ever knows, it's the mystery of life, isn't it? Just wait and do your consistent best, and forget the rest.

So, to close my post, I would like to give my two cents that yes, passion in things you love is important to get the things within your life to keep moving, but still it's not always have to be everything that you forget all the other things. Passion is like a fuel to your fire, it can make you start the work and feel very inspired doing the things you love but may not always necessary, but being consistent and determined in what you do, be it something you love or not, is the most important thing to keep the fire always burning.

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